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Products 23 Apr 0 11588Introducing the new UV-Clean Air product. Based on our UV-Clean Air module IAREX creates the UV-Clean Baby Fan for the baby care can install on the baby bed also baby carriage to outdoor conveniently. It 15 Apr 0 9864PaoPao auto dispenser, the new project of IAREX for self protection to corona virus and disease infection. This project concept is developing one auto detecting dispenser for many kinds different hand washi..New ProductUV-Clean Baby FanNew ProjectPaoPao Auto DispenserNew ProjectUV-Clean Air BoxNew ProjectPaoPao Auto Dispenser
Projects 30 Apr 1 23435Introducing our new technology using UVC 270nm LED with nano particle composite photocatalysts T.T.A integrate in a compact and high efficiency sterilization and decomposition air clean module. We called 19 Apr 0 11081UV-Clean Air Box, the new project of IAREX for self protection to corona virus and other disease infection through the air. This project concept is developing one portable box for the business man traveling..New ProductUV-Clean Baby FanNew ProjectPaoPao Auto DispenserNew ProjectUV-Clean Air BoxNew ProjectPaoPao Auto Dispenser
Tech & Service 04 May 0 14627Welcome to contact us for the technical, engineering and manufacture services and inquiries. With over 15 years integrated technologies and manufacture expertise in photonics, laser, robot sensor, optics 30 Apr 1 23435Introducing our new technology using UVC 270nm LED with nano particle composite photocatalysts T.T.A integrate in a compact and high efficiency sterilization and decomposition air clean module. We called it..New ProductUV-Clean Baby FanNew ProjectPaoPao Auto DispenserNew ProjectUV-Clean Air BoxNew ProjectPaoPao Auto Dispenser
Blog / News 04 May 0 14627Welcome to contact us for the technical, engineering and manufacture services and inquiries. With over 15 years integrated technologies and manufacture expertise in photonics, laser, robot sensor, optics 30 Apr 1 23435Introducing our new technology using UVC 270nm LED with nano particle composite photocatalysts T.T.A integrate in a compact and high efficiency sterilization and decomposition air clean module. We called 23 Apr 0 11588Introducing the new UV-Clean Air product. Based on our UV-Clean Air module IAREX creates the UV-Clean Baby Fan for the baby care can install on the baby bed also baby carriage to outdoor conveniently. It 19 Apr 0 11081UV-Clean Air Box, the new project of IAREX for self protection to corona virus and other disease infection through the air. This project concept is developing one portable box for the business man 15 Apr 0 9864PaoPao auto dispenser, the new project of IAREX for self protection to corona virus and disease infection. This project concept is developing one auto detecting dispenser for many kinds different hand washi..New ProductUV-Clean Baby FanNew ProjectPaoPao Auto DispenserNew ProjectUV-Clean Air BoxNew ProjectPaoPao Auto Dispenser
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